Aged Faith

Aged Faith

There is something real about an elder Christian’s spirituality.  It seems safe, like something I can trust.

Perhaps it’s the fact that this believer’s faith has stood the test of time.  He has experienced three times the amount of life as I and remains unswervingly compelled by an eternal hope.  For him the realities of life have not rallied against his belief–they have bolstered it.  The relational pangs, physical ills, and financial strains have not deconstructed his faith, have not eroded away his hope as a sand castle at high tide.  His is built on something real, something natural and not man-made.

Perhaps it is the elder’s distance from such emotionalism that ails younger generations.  No longer naive, no longer prone to hasty thoughts, the faith of an elder sits as a judge examining that which he is confronted by, sounding his gavel with confidence.  He does not sway with the swift and often chaotic sound of novelty.  His faith is firm and established.  His is rooted in rich tradition and concise history. He has built his house on solid ground and needs not worry about its foundation.

An elder’s faith is something I can respect and admire, and, in time, perhaps I too will have an elder’s faith.

Aaron McNany
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