Author: Aaron McNany

Today's job market is flooded with job applicants looking for new or better employment, and I mean flooded.  LinkedIn alone facilitates more than 44,000 job applications each day.  That's 16 million job applications in one year!  And don't forget about applications on other job search websites like,, and  Let's...

Order: Apodiformes Family: Trochilidae Species: calypte anna Date: May 26, 2013 Location: Monterey, CA One of the first observations I made after moving to the West Coast was the abundance of Eucalyptus trees in the area.  These sweet-smelling trees often tower above 100ft. and are truly something to behold.  They're just...

Order: Passeriformes Family: Emberizidae Species: junco hyemalis Date: April 7, 2013 Location: Monterey, CA Throughout the past several months in Monterey County I've become accustomed to a small, energetic bird named the Dark-Eyed Junco living around my house.   The first time I spotted him in April, I identified him as a Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, simply because I couldn't find a...